
The University of Bremen will organize the 27th Informatica Feminale – the international Summer University for women students and professionals in computer science. From 14 to 29 August 2024 as program on place in Bremen, Germany. Additionally, we will start a small meantime course program which will be online during the whole year 2024. Our focus will stay on physically personal meetings and communication which is the core of our concept.

We cordially invite women students of all disciplines, levels and different types of institutions of higher education as well as all women interested in computing and women ICT professionals from all over the world! Teaching languages will be English and German. For more information about how to participate, see our Informatica-Feminale-FAQ2024-en.pdf.

You will be able to register for the courses and social program of the summer universities via this webpage starting in May 2024:

There will be no participation fees for online courses of the meantime program.
For courses of the summer school on place in Bremen there will be a participation fee.

For human resources managers we are particullarly pointing out that, during the whole summer school there will be plenty of opportunities to sponsor and to get in touch with graduates.

We are looking forward to meet keen and ambitious participants!

Summer Courses and Registration

The University of Bremen will organize the 27th Informatica Feminale – the international Summer University for women students and professionals in computer science. From 14 to 29 August 2024 as program on place in Bremen, Germany. Our focus will stay on physically personal meetings and communication which is the core of our concept.

You can register for the courses and social program of the summer universities via this website:
starting from May 2024, with complete course descriptions and registration page.

For your information you could get an impression of our program in 2023.

Additionally, we offer a small (!) meantime course program which will be online courses during the whole year 2024.


Social Events

Further on, you are invited to join several field trips and meetings at the summer university on place in the region of Bremen and north-western Germany in August 2024.
Detailed information on each social event is available on our website (see menue point “SummerSchool”) and on the registration web page.

Further Information with a chronological list of courses and social events is available for downloads: https://www.informatica-feminale.de/re/IFIS2024-Kurse-Courses.pdf


14 Aug (Wed) – Welcome

Welcome Event of the 27th Summer University Informatica Feminale and the 16th Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni

Community live, IF-IS COM 01

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:50 p.m.
Room: Cafeteria MZH 1090
Language: The languages will be German and English.
Lecturers and Participants are welcome!

We would like to ring in the 27th Informatica Feminale and the 16th Summer University for Women in Engineering with all participants.

Afterwards, a warm lunch buffet will give everyone the opportunity to get to know each other, introduce themselves and get an insight into the coming three weeks.

– no registration required –



The registration as participant of the summer school is possible via a common web-based registration system of the Informatica Feminale and the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni. The attendance of courses requires prior registration. You may attend several courses, but you will have to register for each course bindingly beforehand. In order to register, please select the courses which you’d like to attend from our website.

You can register for the courses and social program of the summer universities via this webpage (until May 2024 it will show the courses from last year for your information):

In 2024, we will additionally arrange a small meantime program, which will offer some online courses during the whole year.

Places will be assigned according to time of registration. First come, first served!

Your course registration will be confirmed via e-mail from the University of Bremen after completion of your registration process. Further information regarding the program procedure will be e-mailed as well. The lecturers will contact their students beforehand with materials necessary for preliminary course requirements.

Participants may select additional courses. As soon as a course is fully booked it will appear as blocked in the online registration system.

Throughout the summer universities we offer a free daily child care for the participants’ and lecturers’ children.

Participants of the summer school are charged a participation fee.

Liability Disclaimer
The organizers assume no liability for any damage to persons or to property, which is caused by participants or their children.


Review of the Online Summer Courses 2020


Dear Participants, Lecturers, and Friends of the Summer Universities 2020,

we look back on exciting months full of new intensive experiences: The 23rd Informatica Feminale went online! From July to Oktober 2020 some 50 courses got lots of applaus from student participants nearby and far away.

The International Summer University for Women in Computer Science at Bremen University switched to flexible online teaching in 2020 and the echos of participants were enormous. More than 230 students took part in courses, and were happy about online exchange, talks and discussions.

Our thanks…
As organizing team we thank our fantastic lecturers – the new as well as the familiar – for the exciting, personal and compact teaching.

Many thanks also to all the participants for active participation, discussions, comments and criticism, networking and collegiality. A big ‘Thanks’ goes to those, who for different reasons, would never have been able to travel to Bremen; but they sent us their joy about this online opportunities. We will now think about future ways to combine online and physical teaching in Bremen.

We are MUCH aware that online teaching is not at all comparable to the common, wonderful contacts between lecturers and students we all wish for every summer university. Not to be able to see you in person, to join you during lunch break, to go to excursions or to party together was a great pity and we were missing all of this and more.

Last but not least we warmly thank our student assistants team. It was good to have you as the only students in place at the University during the summer.

Our Review
Our focus 2020 brought some unexpected topicality:

“Boundaries of the Body” 
(Women’s) Bodies are sites of technological developments. Boundaries and limits become increasingly blurred: either through the optimization of health parameters, or the digital and technical enhancement of the body, up to unregulated collection of body-related data, and the bodies suffering the consequences of technology-based warfare. The Summer University 2020 wanted to give space and time for critical reflections and welcomed experimental debates on the relations of technological knowledge and developments in societies. We saw that several online courses integrated these topics.

Our motivation is to present the topics about gender diversity and feminist perspectives on teaching and society as cross-cutting issues, to integrate these into teaching and prevent these from “staying aside” of courses in separate courses.

Our Outlook…
We are curious to read your evaluations and to receive you suggestions. These will be taken into the planning of the next summer university year 2021.

The next upcoming online period will be a good moment to improve teaching methods. But we hope that at least a short version of summer university offers at Bremen will be possible.

We invite you all to partcipate and look forward to welcoming you next summer!

Greetings from Bremen,
Henrike Illig and Veronika Oechtering

See below the entire course program. Teaching and study times were different in every course – ongoing until October. We also prepared a social program with talks and discussions. There were no participation fees in 2020.

Short information about the published courses:

  • Python für Anfängerinnen (Mo 20.7.- Do 23.7.)
  • Wie wir Maschinen beibringen sexistisch zu sein – Ursachen, Probleme und Folgen von Bias in Maschinellem Lernen/KI (Mo 20.07.- Fr 24.07.)
  • Diskriminierung und Antidiskriminierung im Arbeitsleben – Probleme und mögliche Handlungsstrategien, (Di 21.- Do 23.7.)
  • How (not) to Master your Thesis – Akademische Arbeiten meistern (Mo 27.07.- Fr 31.07.)
  • Apps selbst entwickeln (Mo 03.08.- Fr 07.08.)
  • Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen? – Technikethische Reflexionen zu aktuellen Herausforderungen, (Di 04.-06.08.)
  • Qualitätsmanagement in Entwicklung, Produktion und Beschaffung (Mi 05.08.- Fr 19.08.)
  • Mikrocontrollerplatine programmieren: Calliope mini /Programming microcontroller board Calliope mini (Mo 10.08.- Di 11.08.)
  • Einführung in das Projektmanagement (Mo 10.08.- Sa 15.08.)
  • Grafisch programmieren mit Calliope mini (Teil 2) (Do 13.08.- Fr 14.08.) Sprachverarbeitung – Verfahren und Anwendungen (Fr 14.08.- Mo 17.08.)
  • Einführung in maschinelles Lernen /Introduction to Machine Learning (Fr 14.08.- Sa 22.08.)
  • Hands on Deep Learning (Fr 14.08.- So 30.08.)
  • Kreativitätstechniken und Ideenmanagement (Mo 17.08.- Di 18.08.)
  • Netzwerk- und Hardwarelabor, Teil 1 (Mo 17.08.- Mi 19.08.)
  • Einführung in die Strömungssimulation mit OpenFOAM / Introduction into Computational Fluid Dynamics using OpenFOAM (Mo 17.08.- Do 20.08.)
  • Software-Entwicklung in der Medizin. Einblicke in den Alltag einer Informatikerin (Mo 17.08.- Fr 21.08.)
  • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (Mo 17.08.- Mo 24.08.)
  • Gender & Diversity als Schlüsselkompetenzen in Studium und Beruf (Mi 19.08.-Do 20.08.)
  • Netzwerklabor Teil 2 mit Wireshark (Mi 19.08.- Fr 21.08.)
  • Sexismus – ohne mich! Ein Reflexions- und Argumentations-Workshop (Fr 21.8.)
  • Prozessentwicklung im Qualitätsmanagement (Fr 21.08.- Mi 26.08.)
  • Erfolgreich Verhandeln (Mo 24.08- Di 25.08.2020)
  • Regenerative Design – mit intelligenten Konzepten die Welt verändern / Regnerative Design – co-create the world with intelligent solutions (Mo 24.08.- Mi 26.08.)
  • Einführung in Java (Mo 24.08.- Fr 28.08.)
  • Einführung in die Welt der Datenbanken und der Datenbankmanagementsysteme (Mo 24.08.- Sa 29.08.)
  • Dem Werkstoffversagen auf der Spur (Praxisorientierte Schadensanalyse) (Mi 26.08.- Fr 28.08.)
  • Und was jetzt? – Gestalte dein Leben selbstbestimmt (inclusive deiner Arbeit) / And now what? – Design your life and work (Do 27.08.- Sa 29.08.)
  • Alle gleich? Diversität und Ungleichheiten im Studium (Fr 28.08.)
  • Scrum Project: Agile Storyboard – Applied Scrum Master Certification (Fr 28.08.- Sa 05.09.)
  • Hilfe, ein Konflikt – weglaufen bringt nichts! (Mi 02.09.- Do 03.09.)
  • Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python (Mi 02.09.- Do 10.09.)
  • Bildanalyse mit Neuronalen Netzwerken / Image analysis with neural networks (Mo 07.09.- 10.09.)
  • Embodied Communication (Mo 14.09.- Di 15.09.)
  • Einstieg in Python (Mo 14.09.- Do 17.09.)
  • Programming for Data Analysis and Statistics with R (Mon 14.09.- Thu 17.09.)
  • Gendersensible Sprache. Wie es geht und warum sie wichtig ist (Fr 18.9.)
  • OpenSCAD (Sa 19.09.- So 20.09.)
  • Data Feminism – Erkundungen zwischen Cyber-, Xeno- und Technofeminismen (Mo 21.09.- Do 24.09.)
  • Grundlagen des Computer-Aided Design mit FreeCAD und Python / Hack your CAD models! Foundations of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with FreeCAD and Python (Mo 21.09.- Fr 25.09.)
  • Engineering for social transformation: climate change, technology and gender (Tue 22.09.- Wed 23.09.)
  • Let’s Play! Zoom-Theater, Telefon-Games und andere digitale Kulturformate (Mo 28.09.-Fr 02.10.)
  • Think Global, Act Local: the impact of the ‚New Urban Agenda‘ on our everyday life. (Tue 29.09.-Thu 01.10.)


15 Aug (Thu) – Lunch Talk: IG Metall

Lunch Talk: IG Metall – negotiate salary!

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 1.25-1.55 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: If participants who are English-speaking (but not German-speaking) are present, the language will be English.

What is my work worth? And how do I get the salary I want?
This is what we want to discuss in the lunchtalk. There will be background information for evaluating your own work and initial ideas for negotiation strategies. We will also look at other salary components in addition to remuneration.

– no registration required –


15 Aug (Thu) – Lecturers’ Café

Lecturers’ Café

Networking, IF-IS NET 01

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: If participants who are English-speaking (but not German-speaking) are present, the language will be English.

We would like to offer all lecturers of the summerschools the opportunity to get to know each other aside from the hustle and bustle. So that this happens by chance not only in the hallways of the university, we invite you to a joint coffee, tea, … and cake.

– no registration required –


16 Aug (Fri) – Lunch Talk: ArcelorMittal

Lunch Talk: ArcelorMittal

Lunch Talk, IF-IS VOR 02

Friday, August 16, 2024
Time: 1:25-1:50 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: The talk will be in English.

Simone Milesi

Arcelor Mittal Bremen is on the path to green steel transformation. Essentially, green steel is the manufacturing of steel without the use of fossil fuels.
Equipment, technologies and solutions that will be part of this important milestone for Europe and ArcelorMittal Bremen.


– no registration required –


16 Aug (Fri) – Afrika Network Bremen

Summerschools meets Afrika Netzwerk Bremen e. V. (ANB)

Networking, IF-IS NET 02

Friday, August 16, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: If participants who are English-speaking (but not German-speaking) are present, the language will be English.

Virginie Kamche

Virginie Kamche is a computer scientist and has been the voice of Bremen’s African community and multi-ethnic networks for over 20 years. During our evening of networking, she will present the Verein Afrika Netzwerk Bremen (ANB) and talk about her personal career experience and history.

The Afrika Netzwerk Bremen (ANB) is a cooperation of multiple organizations, initiatives and people, who focus on different activities concerning Africa and other continents. The goal is to support and represent the political, economic, cultural and social interests of African migrants living in and around the Bremen state area.

With delicious food, Virginie Kamche will welcome us in the space of the ANB. We will have time to time and opportunity for exchange and discussions.



>Registration necessary


17 Aug (Sat) – Networking-Party of the Summer Universities

Networking Party I of the Summer Universities

Saturday, August 17, 2024
Time: from 7 p.m. at the restaurant

We would like to invite you to a nice evening with delicious food in the Bremen quarter at Evrim’s delicious Mezes. To get to know each other and exchange ideas, play games, eat and drink.
All genders are welcome!
No registration necessary, we look forward to seeing you!

(location will soon be available)

– no registration required –


19 Aug (Mon) – Networking: Adesso

Social Event – Adesso

Networking, IF-IS NET 03

Monday, August 19, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: If participants who are English-speaking (but not German-speaking) are present, the language will be English.

Let’s go networking: dinner invitation on the Alexander von Humboldt

adesso cordially invites you to a relaxed dinner on the restaurant ship Alexander von Humboldt in the center of Bremen! Enjoy a nice evening on deck with us, let us spoil you with culinary delights and learn more about adesso and our exciting projects – the costs will be covered by us, of course. Three adesso colleagues are looking forward to meeting you and spending a great evening together!

Date: Monday August, 19th 2024
Time/Meeting Point: 7 p.m at the entrance to the ship “Alexander von Humboldt”, Schlachte 1a – Martinianleger, 28195 Bremen
Duration: 2-3 hours


>Registration necessary



The aim of Informatica Feminale is the sustainable professional integration of female experts in Informatics / Computer Science and ICT, which involves:

  • acknowledging equal participation of all genders in technology development
  • increasing the number of women students and graduates in computing studies;
  • attaining women lecturers;
  • connecting women students with professionals and supporting them during the transition into the labor market;
  • developing new impulses — especially for women — in Informatics / Computer Science in higher education.

The nature of our conceptual starting point is clearly professional. Our mission is to motivate women in Informatics / Computer Science to create a place of exchange for themselves and other women interested in this discipline. This includes exchange of technical knowledge as well as everyday academic and occupational issues. Informatica Feminale also allows room for personal exchange.

On our website you can get more information about the background and concept of the summer university.



A place for experimentation and professional exchange

By initiating ‘Informatica Feminale – Summer University for Women in Informatics’ in the year 1997 we have created a room for developing and exploring new methods for gender equality in the scientific sector. The nature of our conceptual starting point is clearly professional.

Our aim is to activate women in Informatics (Computer Science) to create a place of exchange for themselves and other women interested in this discipline. This exchange is based on professional and technical topics, but also includes a personal level by means of intensive communication.

Informatica Feminale is a place for experimentation and intends to imply new impulses in Informatics (Computer Science).

Three conceptual aspects of academic education – defining curricular fundamentals, training of students and encouraging lecturers – are closely connected in this approach. They connect studying, institutional structures and practices at a university. Technical subjects are strongly influenced by male interests. With the concept of the Summer Universities we want to support women at different academic and scientific operating levels to exert influence.

We regard academic and research content in Informatics as well as structures and practices at institutions of higher education as key factors in exclusion of women in Informatics. Therefore gender equality policies should not stop at considering the teaching of professional content, but must also regard changes in academic culture in terms of changing the ambience and structure in everyday education and research at universities.
This will be a long road, but professional networking is indispensable. Informatica Feminale should create opportunities for women to strengthen their influence on different academic and scientific operating levels.

Call for Contributions 2024 – an Invitation to all Women Experts in Computing!

The University of Bremen in Germany starts the 27th Informatica Feminale – the International Summer University for Women in Computing. It will be on place in Bremen from August 14 to 29, 2024. Computer scientists from academia or industry and women working inter-disciplinarily in the field are cordially invited to develop and submit course offers for the summer university 2024.

Course offers can be submitted until February 15, 2024.
> Download Call for Contributions (pdf)

Topics from the broad field of Computer Science, ICT, and Informatics (theoretical, practical, technical or applied computing) are welcome.

The Informatica Feminale is an open, explorative teaching and learning environment. Topics such as entering higher education, developing a student career, transition into labor market and lifelong academic learning are addressed. Courses on elementary skills are in demand from undergraduate students. Combinations of theory and practical units – including excerpts to deepen regular courses – are of great interest. Special topics from all areas are also particularly welcome. Courses to strengthen the social skills of female students are also included.

Inter/national lecturers and students meet at the Informatica Feminale in Bremen to exchange and to use the summer universities as a place for experimentation, with the intention to develop and imply new impulses in computer science and informatics. The summer university is aiming at the professional networking of students and the advanced training for computer scientists on an academic level.

Lecturers could take the summer university as a test field for new teaching formats, to integrate topics such as sustainability into their computer science courses and to get experience with highly engaged and interested participants. Furthermore, a special training program for lecturers will be arranged. The Informatica Feminale is part of the regular course program at the University of Bremen. Teaching assignments can be given to lecturers.

The women’s network Informatica Feminale and its sister Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni are a place to exchange about technical and social developments, which we meet in our every-day life and which are designed by ourselves as technical experts. Proposals from the field of computer science and its interdisciplinary subjects are welcome.

An important topic will be digital sustainability with focus on ecological and social impacts of digital technologies. Desired courses could address for example protection of natural resources and optimization within ICT systems and infrastructures, green coding, energy efficiency, recycling and circular economy, regulations and standardization, human rights and labor law in production processes, participatory design, development and consumption of ICT products or services that better serve the common good. We also welcome offers that teach basics about the sustainability goals of the agendas 2030 in UN and EU as well as about the cross-sectional dimension of gender equality.

We especially invite teaching offers, which deal with applications of technical know-how in areas of life and work (for example within care, education, health, food, household, mobility, social networking, publicity, sports, militarization, etc.) from feminist perspectives. Submissions on topics such as gender, equality, technology and ethics are highly welcome.

A program committee will decide on the contributions. We particularly encourage international lecturers to apply. Course languages are German and English.

Companies with gender sensible organizational concepts and successful personal management strategies to promote women engineers to a broad spectrum of leading positions are invited to present their best practices to the participants of the Informatica Feminale. There will be various chances to meet graduates of computer science and engineering at both the parallel summer universities Informatica Feminale and Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni. Concurrently, we are offering multiple possibilities for sponsorship.

Please forward this Call for Contributions to interested colleagues, co-workers and students.

In parallel to the Informatica Feminale, we will organize the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni, the Summer University for Women in Engineering. Your are invited to submit your course also there.
>Call for Contributions for the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni.


Inter/national transfers

From the beginning the inter/national success of Informatica Feminale has been unmistakable. In 2001, the national concept of Informatica Feminale at Bremen University was complemented by a regional summer school in the German Land Baden-Württemberg. Since then, the regional summer school is organized at University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen and University of Freiburg on a yearly basis: www.netzwerk-fit.de/informatica. Since 2008: www.scientifica.de

The Federal Ministery of Education in Austria started the support of a national summer university, similar to Informatica Feminale, in 2002. The first ditact_women´s IT summer studies Salzburg started in September 2003 and continues on a yearly basis until today: www.ditact.ac.at.

From 2004 to 2008 the the Computer Science Department at University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand organized the Computing Woman Congress (www.cwc.org.nz), following the concept of and in cooperation with Informatica Feminale at Bremen University.

The University of Bremen introduced the first national summer university for women in engineering in 2005: https://www.ingenieurinnen-sommeruni.de.
The Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni has been continued since 2010 yearly and is now internationally visible with course offers in English and German.

More detailed information about the concept and history of Informatica Feminale can be found in German on this website.

Ideal lecturers

  • Women professors who are looking for motivated students to experiment with new concepts of teaching
  • Women researchers who prepare independent courses and would like to teach in a pleasant atmosphere
  • Women practitioners who would like to share their work experiences or to gain teaching experience for a university career
  • Women researchers and practitioners from different fields who deal interdisciplinarily with computer science
  • Students who would like to offer subject-specific discussions of experience
  • Experts offering orientation for students being in the course of their studies or preparing for the transition to working life.

Interested lecturers who apply for the first time for the Informatica Feminale in Bremen should give a short overview of their professional background. Furthermore, we ask for some personal information in the course submission form, which might be used for advertising the summer university in the program on the website.


Course Submission

Please send us your teaching offer via our course submission forms. Submission deadline: February 15, 2024

TEACHING only on Campus

Following the situation in January 2024, we are planning the Summer University on place in Bremen. We do not look for offers for online courses . We welcome multi-day offers or (only on one Saturday) one-day workshops. All teaching will be on campus in the rooms of the University of Bremen.

Before filling in the form, please read our information concerning
teaching methods and course types,
teaching times,
requirements and
teaching assignment


In 2024 we wish to gain the interest of international participants with courses in English and in German. More languages combined with these are welcome, too. You can offer your teaching only in German or only in English or combine these with other languages.

If you want to teach your course mostly in German, please use our
> submission form in German language.

If you want to teach your course mostly in English, please use our
> submission form in English language.

Other languages can be integrated in both of these forms.



What you need to know about planning your course offer

On the following pages we would like to outline the general conditions for teaching at the Informatica Feminale and to give you advice on submitting a course. You can also find this information in the submission form for course offers.

The most important facts, to develop a course offer, are summarized in a planning guide. We recommend all lecturers to read it before applying.

For questions and further information please contact:

University of Bremen
Informatica Feminale
P.O. Box 330440
D-28334 Bremen
Phone +49 (0)421 218-64469
Email: if@informatica-feminale.de

Veronika Oechtering
Phone +49 (0)421 218-64463

Henrike Illig
Phone +49 (0)421 218-64467
