
The registration as participant of the summer school is possible via a common web-based registration system of the Informatica Feminale and the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni. The attendance of courses requires prior registration. You may attend several courses, but you will have to register for each course bindingly beforehand. In order to register, please select the courses which you’d like to attend from our website.

You can register for the courses and social program of the summer universities via this webpage (until May 2025 it will show the courses from last year for your information):

In 2025, we will additionally arrange a small meantime program, which will offer some online courses during the whole year.

Places will be assigned according to time of registration. First come, first served!

Your course registration will be confirmed via e-mail from the University of Bremen after completion of your registration process. Further information regarding the program procedure will be e-mailed as well. The lecturers will contact their students beforehand with materials necessary for preliminary course requirements.

Participants may select additional courses. As soon as a course is fully booked it will appear as blocked in the online registration system.

Throughout the summer universities we offer a free daily child care for the participants’ and lecturers’ children.

Participants of the summer school are charged a participation fee.

Liability Disclaimer
The organizers assume no liability for any damage to persons or to property, which is caused by participants or their children.
