Summer Universities Archive 1998-2019

The summer university Informatica Feminale has been developped at Bremen University and is organized since 1998 yearly in August or September. The course program is open for women students from all fields of studies and from all types of universities as well as for interested women in computing with any backgrounds.

Our archive gives an overview of the spectrum and activities of lecturers and participants along the schedules of the previous summer universities.


Sponsorship – your part of change!

From 20 August to 4 September 2025 the 28th Informatica Feminale, the international Summer University for Women in Computing, will be held by University of Bremen.

Sponsoring Informatica Feminale at the University of Bremen provides opportunities

  • for personally establishing contacts with women students and professionals in Informatics / Computer Science,
  • for broadening your scholarship programs with dedicated women students,
  • for demonstrating equal opportunities and diversity within your company,
  • for presenting your programs for women managers,
  • for introducing your technical products and services,
  • for winning new women employees.

Every year 200-250 women students and professionals in Informatics / Computer Science and Engineering from national and international universities and colleges take part in the summer university at University of Bremen. With more than 25 years of experience the Informatica Feminale presents a successful forum for exchanging the latest ICT knowledge and networking internationally.

Companies with gender sensible organizational concepts and successful personal management strategies to promote women engineers to a broad spectrum of leading positions are invited to present their best practices to the participants of Informatica Feminale. Together with students, lecturers and women experts, we seek to discuss different perspectives.

Concurrently, we are offering multiple possibilities for sponsoring:

Join the summer universities with a technical course or recruiting presentations. Further proposals are welcome at any time.

We cordially invite you to support the Informatica Feminale.

For more details, please contact
Henrike Illig
phone: +49-(0)421-218-64467



Veronika Oechtering and Henrike Illig
Scientific directors

Student assistant
Alina Zander

Phone +49 (0)421 / 218 – 64469
Fax: +49 (0)421 / 218 – 98-64469

Postal address:
University of Bremen
Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology
Department 3
P. O. Box 330440
D – 28334 Bremen

Delivery address:
University of Bremen
Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology
Department 3
Bibliothekstraße 5, Haus MZH, Raum 1130
D – 28359 Bremen



Our lecturers are international, multi-lingual, highly motivated …

  • professors who are looking for motivated students to experiment with new concepts of teaching
  • researchers who prepare independent courses and like to teach in a pleasant atmosphere
  • practitioners who like to share their work experiences
  • researchers and practitioners from different fields who deal interdisciplinarily with computer science
  • students who offer subject-specific discussions of experience
  • experts offering orientation for students being in the course of their studies or preparing for the transition to working life

Most of our lecturers receive teaching assignments from the University of Bremen.



All who identify as women are welcome. We cordially invite women students of all disciplines, all terms and grades, of all types of colleges or universities as well as all women interested in computing and women professionals from all over the world!

In an environment at Bremen University, that provokes learning, you can work with commitment, get suggestions for your studies and accumulate current knowledge. You will experience professional studies and establish networks with women having manifold backgrounds.



Many of the courses correspond to regular semester courses (esp. concerning duration and requirements) and are accredited by the deans of studies at Bremen University. Therefore certificates and credit points can be gained.

For all courses of the Informatica Feminale the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Informatics) issues confirmations of participation. For all courses of the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni the Departments of Engineering issue confirmations of participation.
There are several courses with the possibility to attain performance records or to obtain credit points in line with the European Credit Transfer System. The requirements for obtaining Credit Points will be determined by the lecturers and communicated to the course’s participants in advance. Some courses are very similar to regular semester courses; those that are accredited by the University of Bremen are marked in the program. Participants will have to apply for recognition of their achievements at their home universities themselves. On request individual confirmations can be issued, especially for educational leave of women from industry. More about “Bildungsurlaub” is explained in German on our web page Bildungsurlaub.

Hint for students of Bremen University
The University of Bremen will recognize all courses of the summer universities Informatica Feminale und Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni as “General studies”. Additionally some of the courses are regular study part within the programs of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science – especially for Digital Media or Informatik Bachelor and Master. Others are regular study part within the programs of the Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering (Produktionstechnik) or within the programs of Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering. The courses are accepted for the summer semester 2025 or alternatively for the winter semester 2025/26. The amount of credit points are explained in each course description on this website.

For any questions please contact us via email or at our office:
University of Bremen, Informatica Feminale
Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik
Building MZH Ebene 1
Veronika Oechtering (MZH 1120) and Henrike Illig (MZH 1130)


Participation Fee

Meantime Courses
Participation in the meantime online program of the Informatica Feminale and the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni is free of charge.

Summer School Program on Place in Bremen in August and September 2025:
Students and unemployed are charged a one-time fee of 40 Euro for a participation of all three weeks – regardless for which of the two summer universities Informatica Feminale or Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni. The participation fee can be waived for those who support the conference office for approximately 4 hours. We also offer travel scholarships.
Employed women pay a fee of 40 Euro a day. Please contact us if you need special fees



If you wish to cancel your registration or registration for one of the courses, please contact us via e-mail, so that we can assign the places to other students. Please show your solidarity to other students and inform us in time, as many courses are highly requested.

Missing Fee for Meantime and Summer School Courses
If a participant registered for a course and doesn’t show up and didn’t cancel her participation at least 14 days in advance, she will be charged a fee of 40 Euro per course.

Re-funding of Fees for Meantime and Summer School Courses
Re-funding of participation fees for students or course fees for women, who paid per course day, will only be possible if cancellations are sent at least three weeks before the beginning of the first course (for students) or the specific course (others).
The cancelation must be sent to the organizers of the summer university by email to


Language Requirements

A variety of courses and seminars will be taught in English or in German or both English and German combined in such a way that all course information and material will be accessible to speakers of German and English. Some lecturers offer support in further languages during their course.

We require English or German language skills on such a level that participants are able to communicate and express themselves, understand complex and professional topics, and are able to fulfil assigned tasks in either English or German, depending on the course language. When registering for a course, please take notice of the language it is offered in.
