Conference September 8th, 2022
In honor of 25 years of Informatica Feminale, the Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology of the University of Bremen presented the conference „Women’s Spaces in Computer Science – Experiences and Perspectives“ on September 8th, 2022. The conference was part of the international summer university Informatica Feminale (1-14 September 2022;
Gender-political reforms in informatics have not lost their relevance. Monoeducative teaching and learning spaces like the summer university for women* are a part of enhancing gender equality in informatics / computer science. The Informatica Feminale focuses on educational structure and specialist cultures. It is a place for experimentation, for new impulses in studying informatics. Due to that, the Informatica Feminale developed into a summer university with an enormous reach, potency, and scope. In 25 years, an extensive network and multi-generational community have formed. Because of the continuous, strong orientation on specialization, the summer university’s resonance is still going strong.
The Informatica Feminale has become a beacon of gender-political reforms for gender in STEM. The conference „Women’s Spaces in Computer Science – Experiences and Perspectives“ aims focus attention: Beginning with a review on 25 years of Informatica Feminale, we continue to the current situation of informatics in German universities, towards a preview of needed gender-political reforms.
The conference took place on the 8th of September 2022 from 11 am until 4 pm in House of Science in Bremen.
- Greetings by
– Senator Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senator of Science and Harbors of Freie Hansestadt Bremen,
– Bettina Wilhelm, State Representative of Women of Freie Hansestadt Bremen, and
– Rector Professor Dr. Jutta Günther, University of Bremen - Presentations by
– Professor Dr. Juliane Siegeris, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin University of Applied Sciences, and
– Private lecturer Dr. habil. Sigrid Schmitz, Freiburg - Look back on 25 years of Informatica Feminale by Veronika Oechtering, Henrike Illig and Isabel Matthias
- Panel discussion with
– Professor Dr.-Ing. Karin Vosseberg, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences,
– Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge, University of Bremen,
– Patricia Jung, Munich,
– Veronika Oechtering, University of Bremen,
Moderation: Henrike Illig, Universität Bremen.
In the evening, a dinner at the restaurant “Falstaff” in Bremen’s Neustadt offered opportunities for informal networking and exchange.