Documentation of the Summer Universities for Women in Informatics
Since 1997 the University of Bremen has been organizing Informatica Feminale, a two or three week summer university for women in Informatics (Computer Science) held yearly in August or September.
The preparation works for each summer university starts at the end of the year before with a public Call for Contributions – open for interested women lecturers from the academia or the industry.
The summer university relies on the great commitment of the lecturers. Several lecturers have been teaching and developping their courses together with the participants for many years. A program committee is elected every year to decide on the courses of next years' summer university and to invite lecturers to participate.
The new schedule is published in May – registrations are possible until the beginning of the summer university.
The schedules of the last 20 years give an overview of the spectrum and activities of lecturers and participants.