Review of the Summer University 2023


We look back on the 26th International Summer University Informatica Feminale for Women in Computer Science/Informatics. It took place at the University of Bremen in Germany from 16th to 31st August 2023.

Our thanks…
As organizer team we give special thanks to our lecturers for their teaching with full engagement and collegiality.

Many thanks to all participants, who travelled to Bremen and enriched the summer university with lively discussion and networking.

We are especially pleased, that some grants could be given for the stay in Bremen. Thank you so much to our sponsors who again supported us to realize some core elements of personal encounter for participants and lecturers.

Last but not least we want to thank our student assistants in Bremen. Without you, we would not have been able to realize the summer university.

Our look back…
Some 50 courses in Computer Science, ICT, and Informatics were offered to women students in computing studies as well as to practitioners in the field. Students from other subjects got to know basic ICT and interdisciplinary course topics. There were basic, special and interdisciplinary course topics as well as course offers concerning studies, jobs and careers. On place in Bremen, lecturers and participants could visit an extensive social program.

See more information in detail:

Additionally again, we arranged a smaller ‘meantime’ online course program during the whole year 2023.

We as organizers hope to comply with needs of lecturers and participants, as well as to strengthen again the core elements of teaching and learning with physical, personal meeting.

The women´s network Informatica Feminale is a place to exchange about technical and social developments, which we meet in our every-day life and which are designed by ourselves as technical experts. The Summer University wants to give space and time for critical reflections and highly welcomes experimental debates on the relations of technological knowledge and developments in societies. We especially offer teaching, which deal with applications of technical know-how in spaces for work and life (for example within care, education, health, food, household, mobility, social networking, publicity, sports, militarization, etc.) from feminist perspectives.

All, who want to receive information about future Summer Universities, are invited to subscribe to our mailing list. Please send an email to

Companies with gender sensible organizational concepts and successful personal management strategies to promote women engineers to a broad spectrum of leading positions are invited to present their best practices to the participants of Informatica Feminale. There will be plenty of other opportunities to sponsor.

We invite you all to partcipate and look forward to welcoming you next summer in Bremen!

Henrike Illig and Veronika Oechtering

Review of the Summer University 2022

The University of Bremen organized the 25th Informatica Feminale – the international Summer University for women in computer science – together with the 14th Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni. From 25th July to 5th August as online courses and from 1st to 14th September 2022 on place in Bremen. The program of the Summer Universities 2022 included more than 60 courses. Furtheron a broad daily available social program was offered.

The listing below shows the courses in 2022

Courses on campus at Bremen University from 1 to 14 Sept 2022 (chronologically):
– Zielsetzung mit ZRM® – Motto-Zielen [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]
– Sexismus – ohne mich! Ein Reflexions- und Argumentations-Workshop [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]
– Spring im Einsatz [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]
– Do it yourself! Feministisches Netzwerken und Empowerment [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit — Aufbaukurs [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]
– Hack your CAD models! Foundations of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with FreeCAD and Python / Hack your CAD models! Foundations of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with FreeCAD and Python [Do 01.09. – Sa 03.09.2022]

– Hilfe, ein Konflikt – weglaufen bringt nichts! [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– Regenerative Design – co-create the world with intelligent solutions [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– QM I – Grundkurs Qualitätsmanagement. QM-Methoden in Entwicklung, Produktion und Beschaffung [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– Introduction to Stream Processing Paradigm [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– Netzwerk- und Hardwarelabor – Teil 1 [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– Get cupcake: Create your own text adventure in python [Mo 05.09. – Mi 07.09.2022]
– Einführung in das Projektmanagement [Mo 05.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– Penetration testing and ethical hacking for beginners [Mo 05.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]

– Embodied Communication [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– And now what? Design your life and work [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– QM II – Aufbaukurs Qualitätsmanagement. Agile Prozessentwicklung [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTH – Empowerment für deine berufliche Laufbahn [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– Raspberry Pi, heute mal als autonomer mobiler Roboter [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– Netzgekoppelte Photovoltaikanlagen in der Praxis [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– Netzwerk- und Hardwarelabor – Teil 2 [Mi 07.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]
– Klar hab’ ich was zu verbergen! Digitale Selbstverteidigung und Datensouveränität für mich und andere [Fr 09.09. – Sa 10.09.2022]

– Sprachverarbeitung – Verfahren und Anwendungen [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– Führung und Teamwork in Aktion [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– Dream it, think it, make it. A project-based introduction to 3D-printing, Open Source Hardware and the Concept of Fab City [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– QM III – Zertifikatskurs Qualitätsmanagement. Agile Projekte im QM. Zertifikatsprüfung „Applied Agile Quality Master“ [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– Grundlagen in Python [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– Linux Systems Management Schwerpunkt Firewall und Datensicherung [Mo 12.09. – Mi 14.09.2022]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit — Datenschutzaudits. Zertifikatskurs zum Datenschutz [online-Kurs Mo 26.09. – Fr 30.09.2022]

Online Courses in July and August 2022:
– Storyboard und Storytelling [Mo 25.07. – Di 26.07.2022]
– Big Data Analytics using Distributed Platforms [Mon 25th Jul – Thu 28th Jul 2022]
– Einführung in Python [Mo 25.07. – Fr 29.07.2022]
– Sketchnoting – Denken mit den Augen und Visualisieren von Hand [Mo 25.07. — 05.08.2022]
– Software-Entwicklung in der Medizin. Einblicke in den Alltag einer Informatikerin / Software development in medicine. Insights into the daily work of a computer scientist [Mo 25.07. – Fr 29.07.2022]
– How (not) to Master your Thesis – Akademische Arbeiten in technischen Fächern meistern [Mo 25.07. – Fr 29.07.2022]
– Scrum I – Agiles Projektmanagement. Rollen im Scrum Team, Theory of Scrum und Artefakte [Mi 27.07. – Sa 30.07.2022]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Grundkurs [Mi 27.07. – Sa 30.07.2022]
– Blockchains, Crypto & Web3 – eine praktische Einführung [Do 28.07. – Fr 29.07.2022]
– Bio? Das ist doch grün, oder nicht? – Nachhaltigkeit in der Prozessentwicklung [Do 28.07. – Sa 30.07.2022]
– Einstieg in die Kryptografie [Mo 01.08. – Do 04.08.2022]
– Wie wir Maschinen beibringen sexistisch zu sein – Ursachen, Probleme und Folgen von Diskriminierung durch Maschinelles Lernen/KI [Mo 01.08. – Fr 05.08.2022]
– Scrum II – Agiles Projektmanagement. Events, Sprints und Storyboard [Mi 03.08. – Sa 06.08.2022]
– Scrum III – Agiles Projektmanagement. Präsentation des Scrum-Projekts und Zertifikatsprüfung «Applied Scrum Master» [Mi 10.08. – Fr 19.08.2022]

Lecturer Program in June and July 2022:
– Antidiskriminierung und Diskriminierungsschutz [Mi 29.06.]
– Antidiskriminierung und Diskriminierungsschutz [Mi 29.06.]
– Antidiskriminierung und Diskriminierungsschutz [Mo 04.07.]
– Antidiskriminierung und Diskriminierungsschutz [Mo 04.07.]
– Basiskurs Datenschutz in der Lehre [Mo 04.07.]
– Interaktive Online-Lehre / Interactive & Engaging Online Facilitation [Mo 11.07.]
– Interaktive Online-Lehre / Interactive & Engaging Online Facilitation [Mo 11.07.]
– Warum Technik nie neutral ist. Einführung und Austausch [Di 12.07.]
– Geschlechtergerechte und diversitätssensible Sprache in der Lehre [Mo 18.07.]
– Interaktive Lehre vor Ort bei den Sommerunis / Interactive Co-Located Sessions [Di 19.07.]
– Interaktive Lehre vor Ort bei den Sommerunis / Interactive Co-Located Sessions [Di 19.07.]
– Why Technology is Never Neutral. Introduction and Exchange [Wed 20th July]


Review of the Online Summer Courses 2021


Dear Participants, Lecturers, and Friends of the Summer Universities 2021,

again as last year, the 24th Informatica Feminale had to stay online and our plans for courses in Bremen were stopped.

But as always the lecturers were flexible, the students’ echos great, and from July to October, some 50 courses went ahead. Some course were booked out in hours after publication; others realized settings with few students and very intensive learning. Lecturers sent hardware for experiments to their students; participants organized their own lunch meetings and got happy about virtual networking.

Many thanks to the wonderful lecturers, who participated with full engagement. We are especially pleased, that you followed with interest our special online training program for lecturers about the topics privacy, facilitation, and protection from discrimination in online teaching.

Many thanks also to all the 180 participants for active participation, discussions, comments and criticism, networking and collegiality!
We as organizers have again learnt much about a reasonable design of the Summer University. Some courses with huge practical parts are difficult to realize online. At the same time we will support the wish of those participants, who for different reasons, would never have been able to travel to Bremen. In future, we will arrange weeks with online teaching as well as physical courses in Bremen. Hopefully, both the plans will be realized next year already!

But we miss you all – lecturers and participants – on place in Bremen. No cafeteria, no field trips, no guests. Next year, the 25th Informatica Feminale will be organized – a good reason to celebrate a “real” party.

We invite you all to partcipate and look forward to welcoming you next summer in Bremen!

Henrike Illig, Isabel Matthias, Veronika Oechtering

The program of the Summer Universities 2021 included some 50 courses. The listing below shows all, sorted chronologically and along categories of topics. All the teaching and the social program were offered online. There were no participation fees in 2021.
Teaching and study times were different in every course – ongoing from 19th July until middle of October.

Upcoming courses  sorted chronologically:

– Einführung in die moderne Webentwicklung [Mi 18.08.- Fr 20.08.]
– Sexismus – ohne mich! [Do 19.08. ]

– Work-Out für Energieeffizienz im Haushalt [Do 19.08.- Do 26.08.]
– Gendersensible Sprache. Wie es geht und warum sie wichtig ist [Fr 20.08.]
– Python Basics [Fri 20 Aug – Sat 21 Aug ]
– Retro Computing – Eine Einführung in BASIC für den Commodore 64 [Sa 21.08.- So 22.08.]
– Scrum III – Agiles Projektmanagement. Agile Storyboard und Zertifikatskurs zu Scrum [Mo 23.08.- Mi 25.08., Fr 27.08.]

– 3D-Druck mit Blender – Herstellung von 3D-Objekten mit Blender und Resindrucker [24.08.- 14.09.]
– Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python [Mi 25.08.- Mi 22.09.] 
– Alle gleich? Diversität und Ungleichheiten im Studium [Fr 27.08.]
– Software development in medicine. Insights into the daily work of a computer scientist [Mon 30th Aug- Fri 3rd Sep]
– Wie nehmen Roboter ihre Umgebung wahr? Computer Vision und Bildauswertung für Robotersysteme [Mo 30.08.- Mi 08.09.]
– Wie frau einen Tiefseeroboter baut [Mo 30.08.- Do 23.09.]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Grundkurs [Mi 01.09.- Fr 03.09.]

– Einführung in das Projektmanagement [Do. 02.09.- Di. 07.09.]
– Functional Programming. Approach in Building Software Applications with Clojure [Fri 03 Sep – Sat 25 Sep]

– Sketchnoting. Denken mit den Augen und Visualisieren von Hand [So 05.09.- Mo 27.9.]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Aufbaukurs [Mo 06.09.- Mi 09.09.]

– Netzwerk- und Hardwarelabor [Mo 06.09. – Do, 09.09.]
– Prozessentwicklung im Qualitätsmanagement [Do 09.09.- Mo 13.09.]
– Sprachverarbeitung – Verfahren und Anwendungen [Do. 09.09.- Di. 14.09.]

– Introduction to Machine Learning [Sat 11 Sep – Sun 12 Sep ]
– Faire Elektronik in der Praxis – von den Rohstoffen bis zur selbst gelöteten Computermaus [Mo 13.09.– Mi 15.09.]

– IT-Forensik: Windows Analyse [Mo 13.09.- Fr 17.09.]
– Netzwerklabor, Teil 2, mit Wireshark [Mo 13.09. – Do, 16.09.]
– Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Datenschutzaudits mit Zertifikatsprüfung [Di 14.09.- Do 16.09.]
– Hands on Deep Learning [Fri 17 Sep – Sat 25 Sep]
– Hands on – Programming own Bots and Systems for Smart Homes and Gardens [Mon 20 Sep – Thu 23 Sep ]
– Engineering for social transformation: climate change, technology and gender [Mon 20 Sept – Thu 23 Sept ]
– Introduction on the Android Operating System [Mon 20 Sep – Thu 23 Sep]
– Hack your CAD models! Foundations of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with FreeCAD and Python [Mon 20 Sep – Fri 24 Sep]
– Erfolgreich Verhandeln nach dem Harvard Konzept [Mi 29.09-Mi 13.10]
– Hilfe, ein Konflikt – Weglaufen bringt nichts! [Di 05.10-Sa 16.10]
– Embodied Communication [Mo 04.10-Fr 15.10]

Courses sorted along categories:

Nachhaltigkeit und Technologien / Sustainability and Technologies

  • Mobilität, Verkehr und Gesellschaft [Do 05.08.- Do 19.08.]
  • Engineering for social transformation: climate change, technology and gender [Mon 20 Sep – Thu 23 Sep]
  • Regenerative Design – co-create the world with intelligent solutions [Fri 06th Aug- Mon 09th Aug]

Erneuerbare Energie / Renewable Energy

  • Netzgekoppelte Photovoltaikanlagen in der Praxis [Do 05.08.- Di 10.08.]
  • Work-Out für Energieeffizienz im Haushalt [Do 19.08.- Do 26.08.]

Biotechnologie / Bioengineering

  • Klein, Kleiner, Mikro. Die kleinsten Reaktoren für Biokatalysatoren [Mo 02.08.- Fr 13.08.]

Technische Netze / Technical Networks

  • Netzwerk- und Hardwarelabor [Mo 06.09. – Do, 09.09.]
  • Netzwerklabor, Teil 2, mit Wireshark [Mo 13.09. – Do, 16.09.]

Robotik und Elektronik / Robotics and Electronics

  • Faire Elektronik in der Praxis – von den Rohstoffen bis zur selbst gelöteten Computermaus [Mo 13.09.– Mi 15.09.]
  • Hands on – Programming own Bots and Systems for Smart Homes and Gardens [Mon 20 Sep – Thu 23 Sep]
  • Wie frau einen Tiefseeroboter baut [Mo 30.08.- Do 23.09.]

CAD-Modellierung / CAD-Modeling

  • 3D-Druck mit Blender – Herstellung von 3D-Objekten mit Blender und Resindrucker [24.08.- 14.09.]
  • Hack your CAD models! Foundations of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with FreeCAD and Python [Mon 20 Sep – Fri 24 Sep]

Maschinelles Sehen / Computer Vision

  • Wie nehmen Roboter ihre Umgebung wahr? Computer Vision und Bildauswertung für Robotersysteme [Mo 30.08.- Mi 08.09.]

Datenanalyse / Data Analysis

  • Matrix-Based Programming and Data Visualization using Matlab or GNU Octave [Mon 26th July – Mon 09th Aug]

Maschinelles Lernen / Machine Learning

  • Einführung in maschinelles Lernen / Introduction to Machine Learning [Sat 11 Sep – Sun 12 Sep ]
  • Hands on Deep Learning [Fri 17 Sep – Sat 25 Sep]
  • Wie wir Maschinen beibringen sexistisch zu sein – Ursachen, Probleme und Folgen von Bias in Maschinellem Lernen/KI [fällt leider aus]

Programmieren / Programming

  • Retro Computing – Eine Einführung in BASIC für den Commodore 64 [Sa 21.08.- So 22.08.]
  • Functional Programming. Approach in Building Software Applications with Clojure [Fri 03 Sep – Sat 25 Sep]
  • Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python [Mi 25.08.- Mi 22.09.]
  • Build your own: Digitale Escape Games als Einstieg und Unterhaltung für Fachinteressierte [fällt leider aus]
  • Python Basics [Fri 20 Aug – Sat 21 Aug ]
  • Grundlagen in Python [Mo 26.07. – Do 29.07.]

Betriebssysteme und Infrastrukturen / Operating Systems and Infrastructures

  • Linux für Einsteigerinnen. Praktischer Einstieg in die Linux Nutzung [Mi 04.08.- Mi 11.08.]
  • Linux Systems Management Schwerpunkt Firewall [Mo 16.08. – Do, 19.08.]
  • Introduction on Android Operating System [Mon 20 Sep – Thu 23 Sep]

Projektmanagement / Project Management

  • Einführung in das Projektmanagement [Do. 02.09.- Di. 07.09.]
  • Storyboard und Storytelling [Di 20.07.- Do 22.07.]
  • Scrum I – Agiles Projektmanagement. Rollen im Scrum Team und Theory of Scrum [Mo 09.08.- Mi 11.08.]
  • Scrum II – Agiles Projektmanagement. Artefakte und Sprint [Mo 16.08.- Mi 18.08.]
  • Scrum III – Agiles Projektmanagement. Agile Storyboard und Zertifikatskurs zu Scrum [Mo 23.08.- Mi 25.08., Fr 27.08.]

Qualitätsmanagement / Quality Management

  • Qualitätsmanagement in Entwicklung, Produktion und Beschaffung [Fr 06.08.- Fr 20.08.]
  • Prozessentwicklung im Qualitätsmanagement [Do 09.09.- Mo 13.09.]

Datenschutz und Sicherheit / Privacy and Security

  • IT-Forensik: Windows Analyse [Mo 13.09.- Fr 17.09.]
  • Einstieg in die Kryptographie [Mo 26.07.- Do 29.07.]
  • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Grundkurs [Mi 01.09.- Fr 03.09.]
  • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Aufbaukurs [Mo 06.09.- Mi 09.09.]
  • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – Datenschutzaudits mit Zertifikatsprüfung [Di 14.09.- Do 16.09.]

Mobile Web und Internet / Mobile Web and the Internet

  • Einführung in die moderne Webentwicklung [Mi 18.08.- Fr 20.08.]

Mensch-Computer-Interaktion / Human Computer Interaction

  • Sprachverarbeitung – Verfahren und Anwendungen [Do. 09.09.- Di. 14.09.]
  • Make a Chatbot. An Introduction to Natural Language Processing using Python [tba]

Gender und Diversity in der Technikinnovation / Gender and Diversity in innovating technology

  • Technofeministische Debatten und Theorien – ein Lektüre- und Diskussions-Workshop [tba]
  • Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen? Technikethische Reflexionen zu aktuellen Herausforderungen [Mi 04.08.- Fr 06.08.]

Ethik in der Technikgestaltung / Ethics in Technology Design

  • The Ethics of Technology. An Interdisciplinary Approach [tba]
  • Informatik & Verantwortung. Technik-ethische Reflexionen zur Entwicklung und Anwendung innovativer Technologien [tba]

Technik interdisziplinär / Interdisciplinary Technology

  • Software development in medicine. Insights into the daily work of a computer scientist [Mon 30th Aug- Fri 3rd Sep ]

Kompetenzen für Studium und Beruf / Professional Skills

  • And now what? Design your life and work [Fri 13th Aug- Fri 20th Aug]
  • Erfolgreich Verhandeln nach dem Harvard Konzept [Mi 29.09-Mi 13.10]
  • Find your inner strength. Empowerment für deine berufliche Laufbahn [Do 12.08.- Fr 20.08.]
  • Hilfe, ein Konflikt – weglaufen bringt nichts! [Di 05.10-Sa 16.10]
  • Genossenschaft – Unternehmensform, Gründung, Erfahrungen [Di 03.08. – Do 05.08.]

Gender- und Diversity-Kompetenzen / Gender and Diversity Skills

  • Alle gleich? Diversität und Ungleichheiten im Studium [Fr 27.08.]
  • Sexismus – ohne mich! [Do 19.08. ]
  • Do it yourself! Feministisches Netzwerken und Empowerment [fällt leider aus]

Schreiben / Writing Skills

  • Sketchnoting. Denken mit den Augen und Visualisieren von Hand [So 05.09.- Mo 27.9.]
  • How (not) to Master your Thesis. Akademische Arbeiten in technischen Fächern meistern [fällt leider aus]

Kommunizieren / Communicative Skills

  • Standpunkte vertreten. Gesprächsstrategien für den Unialltag [fällt leider aus]
  • Gendersensible Sprache. Wie es geht und warum sie wichtig ist [Fr 20.08.]
  • Embodied Communication! [Mo 04.10-Fr 15.10]


18 Aug (Sun) – City Tour Bremen I

Guided City Tour Bremen I

Sunday, August 18, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.
Language: If participants who are English-speaking, but not German-speaking, are present, the guided tour will be in English.

Guided tour through Bremen’s Old town
The city tour through Bremen’s Old town offers city history and stories from the city in one. You will discover the market square – the parlor of Bremen – with its historic buildings (from the outside), the Cathedral yard, the arasac Böttcherstrasse and finally reach the enchanting Schnoor quarter with its medieval flair.
Of course, you will also visit the Bremen Town Musicians, the city’s world-famous ambassadors who once made their way to the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
Why are the Bremen Town Hall and the Bremen Roland so important that they are both UNESCO World Heritage sites? What do art and decaffeinated coffee in Bremen have to do with each other? And why do the people of Bremen spit on a small black stone at the Cathedral yard? You will get the answers to these and many other exciting questions during the tour.
In between, you will also hear a few stories about famous women from Bremen and pass buildings in which famous women played and sall play a role today. For example, the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum in Böttcherstrasse is the first museum in the world dedicated to a female arast.
Look forward to exciting stories and secrets!

>Registration necessary


18 Aug (Sun) – Dinner together

Dinner together

Sunday, August 18, 2024
Time: from 6:00 p.m. at the restaurant (later arriving guests are welcome)
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.

We will come together for a nice evening with delicious food in the city of Bremen.
To get to know each other and exchange ideas, play games, eat and drink.
All genders are welcome!
No registration necessary, we look forward to seeing you!

(location will soon be available)

– no registration required –



The summer university and the University of Bremen will not provide any accommodation. Housing in student residences is not available for short-term rentals.

Accommodation options in Bremen (as summer 2023):

    • Bed& Breakfast private room rental,, Tel +49(0)4 21) 536 07 71, (starting at 26 Euro per night) — Partner of the Informatica Feminale for over 25 years!
    • Camping site (only about 1 km away from campus!), (starting at about 15 Euro);
    • Youth Hostel Bremen;
    • a&o Hostel Bremen Hauptbahnhof,, starting at 22 Euro
    • Altstadt Hostel Bremen,, starting at 20 Euro
    • Meininger Bremen Hauptbahnhof,, see females (starting at 28 Euro)

More accommodation options on Redirects to Bremen Tourismus’ search engine for hotels and bed&breakfasts in Bremen.

International students who need help, should mail to

Postal address:
University of Bremen
Informatica Feminale
Department 3
P. O. Box 330440
D – 28334 Bremen

Fax +49 (0)421 / 218 – 98-64469



During the entire summer universities, we will be operating a cafeteria offering a variety of warm and cold drinks, fruit and vegetables as well as sweets, all free of charge to participants and lecturers!

The cafeteria opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.30 o’clock, Saturday from 8.30 to 17.00 o’clock. (Closed on Sunday.) The cafeteria serves both as meeting place and as break room for all participants and lecturers.

Warm meals are offered at different locations on Campus of the University of Bremen and are at your own expense. An info sheet “Meals on Campus” will be provided at the summer universities’ registration office for all participants and lecturers. Participants can receive a special card on site at the summer school office to get reduced student prices for meals on campus of Bremen University, especially at the cantine (the Mensa Bremen).



This year, we offer a certain number of scholarships for travel and accommodation to support students. Please approach your home university regarding financial support as well — we’ll be happy to advise you on this.

The organizers of the Informatica Feminale at the University of Bremen coordinate all scholarships. The allowances will be issued in regard to the overall travel expenses: 10,00 Euro per overnight stay and (partly) travel expenses according to consultation with us. We expect our scholarship holders to choose the cheapest bus/ train/ flight ticket option so that we can fund as many participants as possible. Public transport in Bremen will not be covered and not returned.

We will support international students to find cheap and good accommodation in the near of the university, according to individual contacts in advance.

Evidence must be provided for all expenses. Please note that original documents must be provided in Bremen as supporting evidence.
Reimbursements of expenses will be paid around 3-4 months after the end of the summer universities (other arrangements are possible only for international students, according to individual contacts in advance).

Scholarship holders are exempt from the participation fee.

Financial support by other universities
In past years, a lot of universities supported their students financially to a certain extent, assisting them in covering the costs of participation for the summer universities. Please contact your dean or the faculty’s equal opportunity officer at your university.

Scholarship Application
An application for a scholarship has to be filed in the application form. Furthermore, a scholarship application letter needs to be turned in via e-mail within 5 days of your application. Claims submitted later cannot be considered!

How to write a scholarship application letter?
The letter should be informal. Please send us a PDF document, including your own letterhead, addressed to Informatica Feminale (see below).
Please outline briefly your progress with your studies and why you would like to participate in the summer universities at the University of Bremen.

Please e-mail your letter saved in PDF-file format to or via facsimile to: +49 (0)421 / 218-98-64469

Our postal address:

University of Bremen
Informatica Feminale
Department 3
P. O. Box 330440
D – 28334 Bremen

Our decision regarding your scholarship application will be included in your confirmation of participation e-mail.


Child Care

Throughout the summer universities we offer a free daily child care for the participants’ and lecturers’ children.

Child care is offered for children between 1 and 12 years of age (please ask in advance if you need child care for babies).

The children will stay in a children’s group room on the Campus of the University of Bremen, taken care of by a team of experienced childcare workers.
Your child/children is/are supposed to eat and spend time together with you during lunch time.

We ask you to make a binding registration in advance, if you need childcare during your stay in Bremen.
Following up, we will then arrange planning in more detail regarding your child’s/children’s experience and settling in as well as what to bring along.

The primarily necessary information will be asked for during the registration process. Do not hesitate to ask us if you have any further questions.



Travel to Bremen University

All events take place at facilities of Bremen University.

Link to campus map of Bremen University:

Arrival by train
Exit the building of Bremen’s central station heading south (towards the city center). Taxis and trams leave directly from the square outside central station. Take tram number 6 towards university (“Universität”). The tram takes approx. 16 minutes from central station to the university.
The nearest tram and bus stop to the summer universities’ registration office is Universität-Zentralbereich.
A single ticket costs 3.00 Euro and can be purchased from a ticket machine directly on the tram.

For students there are reduced fares for 7-day-tickets. You will have to register for a special student card at the BSAG information desk. There are no reduced fares available for single ride tickets.

The BSAG information desk is situated in the main square outside Bremen central station, a silver tower a bit to the left, in between the bus and tram stops.

Opening hours of the BSAG information desk:
Monday — Friday 7:00 — 20:00 o’clock
Saturday 9:00 — 18:00 o’clock
Sunday 9:00 — 17:00 o’clock

For the use of public transportation (ÖPNV) you can use several tickets:

SingleTickets (“Einzelticket”) (Prices as in January 2024):

  • SingleTicket (“EinzelTicket”) for adults: 3.00 Euro. Valid for one ride with the maximum duration of 3 hours. Changing the tram or bus for getting to the planed destination is included within the 3 hours.
  • DayTicket (“TagesTicket”) for adults: 8.50 Euro. Valid for one day (starting from the time of ticket validation until 3 am on the following day).
  • ShortTripTicket (“KurzstreckenTicket”) for adults: 1.60 Euro. Valid for three more stops after entering the tram/bus.

Zone Tickets (“Abschnittsticket”):

These tickets can be shared by several people and can only be bought at the selling points of the BSAG outside the vehicle.

  • 4-rideTicket (“4er-Ticket”) for adults: 11.20 Euro
  • 10-rideTicket (“10er-Ticket”) for adults: 28.00 Euro
  • 4-ride ShortTripTicket (“4er-Kurzstrecke“) for adults: 6.00 Euro

7-day pass (“7-Tage-Ticket”) for adults:

With this ticket a period of seven days in a row can be freely chosen. On weekdays after 7 p.m. as well as on the weekends and on public holidays two adults plus four children under fifteen years can use the ticket together: 25.40 Euro

HINT: 7-day pass for pupils and students (“Schüler-7-Tage Ticket“):

For this ticket you need a customer card of the BSAG, which can be applied for with a valid certification of Imatriculation/ student ID-Card at the BSAG-Center. The application form is available at the Customer Center. If you use it less than 4 weeks you don’t need a photo. Costs of 7-day pass for students: 17.90 Euro.

For more information regarding prices and travel time please visit

Transfer from Bremen central station to the University of Bremen by taxi is approx. 16 Euros.

Arrival by bus
Several busses stop at “Universität-Zentralbereich” (BSAG bus lines 21, 22, 18, 31). Another nearby bus stop is called “Universität NW1” or “Universität-Naturwissenschaften 1” (VBN bus lines 630 and 670). BSAG tickets are accepted in VBN busses. For more information visit and

Arrival by car
When arriving via highway A1 change at interchange “Bremer Kreuz” onto highway A27 in the direction of “Bremen-Bremerhaven”. Get off the A27 at the exit “Universität / Horn-Lehe” and proceed in the direction of “Centrum / Universität”. On the campus and in the university technology park there are plenty of parking areas (starting from 1,00 Euro/day).

Arrival by plane
Transfer from the airport to the University of Bremen by taxi is approx. 37 Euros.

Much more aggreable is the transfer via tram number 6, which is running directly from the airport to the university, stopping at “Universität-Zentralbereich” and taking exactly 30 minutes.

You will find up-to-date travel information on how to reach the University of Bremen here:


Conference office

Conference office of the summer university

When arriving at the University of Bremen, please make sure to visit our summer universities’ conference office first:
The summer universities’ conference office is located on the central Campus of the University of Bremen in the building Mehrzweckhochhaus (MZH) on the 1st floor, room 1100. Elevators are available. (Campus map, rooms map MZH).

Address of the Conference Office
University of Bremen
Bibliothekstrasse 5, Building (Haus) MZH
Level (Ebene) 1, Room (Raum) 1100
D-28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421 218 64469

Opening hours
The summer universities’ conference office 2024 will be open
Monday-Friday from 8.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Saturdays from 8.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Sundays closed.

You will receive all necessary documents at the summer universities’ conference office.

The course rooms will be listed in the conference folders. You will receive your folder at the summer universities’ registration office. We do not publish room information on the website because our experience has shown that there are to many changes during the summer university weeks that need face-to-face contacts.
