Data Base Management Systems



IF DBS 01 Database-Design on the Basis of MySQL


Database-Design on the Basis of MySQL


Nicole Hertel


Mo 26.8. 11.00-12.30 und 14.00-16.30 Uhr
Di 27.8. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-16.30 Uhr
Mi 28.8. 09.00-10.30 Uhr

Target Group: open

Prerequisites: interest in databases and (mass) data management, basic knowledge in software engineering

Requirements: email exchange before, exercises during and assignments after the summer university

Participants: 12

Credit Points (ECTS): with assignment 1

Modul acceptance in Uni Bremen: (General Studies VAK) META-2013/IF.2013.DBS.01

(Digital Media VAK) 03-B-UN-2/IF.2013.DBS.01 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Informatik VAK) (keine Anerkennung)

(Produktionstechnik) anerkannt im Modul General Studies

With MySQL, the main principles of relational database management systems will be taught: the design (ER-Model, Normal forms) and the query language (SQL). MySQL is an open source and powerful relational database management system, that since its introduction in 1998 is spreading out on the web. For industry as well as institutes MySQL is an alternative to propritary systems, because it offers a huge amount of functions and treats the system ressources with care.
This workshop shows you the way to a productive and reasonable implementation of MySQL-databases, which can be used for Intranet/ Internet-Applications. Starting with an installation, the workshop will follow the work with MySQL (administration, security, performance tuning, etc.) and present many examples.

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